
I love the way a live performance makes me feel.

A strong opening number, a well-timed one-liner or an unexpected visual effect will give me goosebumps, make me cry, laugh, reconsider.

Likewise, a good wine inspires my physical senses as I take it in – and it warms up my insides too.

Ticket holders find their seats in a million little groups, but laugh and cry as one; afterwards, the discussion of best scene, best song, props, lighting and costuming over a glass of vino let you relive what you’ve just seen.

But which one to drink? Bubbles feel too flippant right after Seven Stages of Grieving, and it’s just wrong to drink anything but sparkling shiraz after Pippin.

I hope my theatre reviews and wine pairings give you a chuckle, convince you to try a new genre or varietal and gain a greater appreciation for two industries in which Australia shines.

Enjoy the show!

Chantelle xx