Kalina Davis on performing in Embellishment, Voices of Women | Stage Sips

Kalina Davis is a First Nations actor, singer, writer and film maker, currently performing in Embellishment at Sydney’s KXT on Broadway. For her Stage Sips, Kalina let us into a little of her artistic tendences and the need for more regional and affordable theatre. To hear more about her Embellishment story, you’ll just have to head down to Broadway to catch a performance.

What has been your journey into theatre ?

At a very young age I’ve loved both performing and writing. Being in musicals and drama performances, as well as writing stories were a major outlet for me as a child. The creative arts helped me through traumatic experiences growing up. I recently started writing again and rediscovered my love for storytelling. There’s something so freeing and empowering sharing something I have written, whether it’s performed by me or watching it through someone else. Even the ones that come from a vulnerable place.

Tell me about your experience of developing and performing your story as part of Embellishment? Has it evolved over each production?

I’ve always had a love for the dark and mysterious. I’ve been lucky enough to have artistic freedom in exploring my interest for twists, the unknown, and questionable happy endings. Lliane has been an amazing mentor, guiding me through refining my craft and helping me realise my strengths and talents.

What is the one message every person who sees your Embellishment performance should take with them out of the theatre?

I would love the audience to feel like not everything is what it seems. I also want them to interpret my art in their own creative way. I like to write stories that leave things to each individuals curious imagination, including the meaning of the story.

What do you enjoy about the Aussie theatre scene, and what needs to change?

I enjoy the range and depth of art that you can find, there are always new things to explore and learn. And artists are able to be given a platform to express themselves. However, the economic climate limits community members ability to attend the theatre, geographically this can also be an issue. There are so many people whose lives could be transformed by the theatre but for whatever reason they have not been able to attend.

What type of wine would you pair with Embellishment, and why?

I’m not much of a wine drinker. But I think the wine/beverage you would pair with Embellishment would be something that helps you express yourself. Voices of Women embodies celebrating and embracing who we are.

Purchase your ticket to Embellishment here.